Governor Brad Little has outlined Four Phases for Idaho Businesses to reopen amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. That plan can be found at rebound.idaho.gov.
Every business, regardless of what they do or when they open, should have a plan in place to help protect the safety of the public and their employees.

According to the Governor’s plan
All Idahoans have a responsibility to protect themselves and others. Each stage, while allowing for additional businesses and practices to open and loosen, is grounded in these basic practices for individuals and businesses:
should continue to
- Engage in physical distancing of at least six feet
- Wear face coverings in public places
- Stay home if sick
- Practice good hand hygiene
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Disinfect surfaces and objects regularly
should continue to
- Maintain the six-foot physical distancing requirements for employees and patrons
- Provide adequate sanitation and personal hygiene for employees, vendors, and patrons
- Ensure frequent disinfection of the business as well as regular cleaning, especially of high-touch surfaces
- Identify how personal use items such as masks, face coverings, and gloves may be required by employees, vendors, and/or patrons
- Provide services while limiting close interactions with patrons
- Restrict non-essential business travel
- Identify strategies for addressing ill employees, which should include requiring COVID-19 positive employees to stay at home while infectious, and may include keeping employees who were directly exposed to the COVID-19 positive employee away from the workplace, and the closure of the business until the location can be properly disinfected
- On a case-by-case basis, include other practices appropriate for specific types of businesses, such as screening of employees for illness and exposures upon work entry, requiring non-cash transactions, etc.
The Look, Ask, Share campaign is done in conjunction with the Support Idaho Gems Campaign, Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce, Idaho Falls Downtown Development Corporation, Better Business Bureau, Eastern Idaho Public Health, Bonneville County, Ammon and City of Idaho Falls.
Look, Ask, Share is designed to help customers/consumers feel comfortable in supporting local businesses and supporting them as they return to business amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
By participating in Look, Ask, Share you will gain access to Facebook and social media materials, website graphics and window posters that you can place online and in your physical business location.
The agencies involved in promoting this campaign with be encouraging consumers to look for the sign online and in your business that lets them know that your business is committed to public health and has a plan in place.
Customers will be asked to:
LOOK for businesses that post this sign as an indicator they have a plan for social distancing, sanitation and health operations for their employees and patrons;
ASK the manager or employees to see the plan or ask how your business is keeping them safe; and,
SHARE when they have a good experience or positive interaction with your business. They will be asked to share their experience online, post a good review or positive recommendation about your business so others will patronize your business.
Become a Local Gem
If you’d like to express confidence to your patrons and your employees that you are taking correct steps to keep everyone safe amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, please fill out the form below. We’ll list your business on a page of fellow establishments that have also pledged to make their place of business a trusted place to return to.
After you fill out the form, you will be sent an email packet with social media graphics, signs & posters that you can use to display and boost confidence that your business indeed has a plan in place.